Seqrite EDR

Shielding Endpoints, Securing Growth

Get continuous AI-driven data visibility and ML-powered hardware control to negate cyberattacks on enterprise endpoints

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Take Your Endpoint ProtectionTo The Next-Level With Seqrite EDR

As adversaries become increasingly adept at concealing their activities within trusted components of your environment, traditional security measures often struggle to detect their covert maneuvers. Seqrite EDR (available as both on-premise and cloud-native versions) continuously monitors and gathers data from all endpoints in your environment, streamlines alert management, and offers the visibility and context necessary to identify and address complex threats without overwhelming security teams with excessive information.


Contextual Assessment of Telemetry Events

Rigorously analyzes telemetry events from sensors, conducting thorough contextual assessments. Upon detection, it swiftly blocks any suspicious activity.


Automated Real-Time Response Against Adversaries

Automated real-time responses such as system isolation or execution cessation significantly diminish the likelihood of adversaries executing successful attacks.


Comprehensive Investigation

Streamlines security analysts' response by aggregating crucial data, improving compliance adherence and standards alignment.


Reduced Reliance on External Firms

Enables in-house teams to conduct thorough attack investigations autonomously.


Historical Data for Concealed Threats

Advanced event data storage, Threat Hunting, and Threat Intelligence swiftly uncover sophisticated stealthy threats, enabling prompt response.

What You Get with Seqrite EDR


Multi-Phase Verification

Examines all system events through multiple layers of behavioral analysis, signature comparisons, and ML-based detection.


Immediate Host Isolation

Automatically or manually confines potentially infected hosts or executes automated actions like process termination or file quarantine.


Automated and Manual IOC Lookup

Conducts automated and manual IOC Lookups on historical data, utilizing IOCs from the latest Threat Intelligence data provided by the Seqrite Threat Intel team and other sources.


Advanced Notification System

Seamlessly integrates with all SIEM solutions and sends SMS/email alerts.


Dashboard and Widgets

Provides a comprehensive overview of system health, including top incidents, overall summaries, affected incidents, and false positive rates through intuitive widgets.



Offers detailed alert summaries over time, providing insights aligned with MITRE TTPs.


Rule Builder and Rules

Enables the creation of system and custom rules, utilizing the rule builder to craft personalized rules for capturing MITRE-related or other unusual activity on endpoints.


Action Policy Orchestration and Risk-Based Response

Implements real-time, offline response action policies with defined scopes for risk-based auto-response using generic or custom policies.


Investigative Workbench

Aids in incident investigation with detailed drill-downs, contextual information, query-based access to live system data, and a comprehensive listing of alerts, facilitating centralized alert actions.


Incident Management

Enables incident management through the incident list and informs endpoints and users while formulating remediation actions.

Seqrite EDR
Advanced Cyber Attacks


  • Gathers precise system telemetry data from all endpoints.
  • Uses sophisticated analytics and machine learning to detect threats and unusual user and application behavior based on MITRE TTPs and custom rules.
  • Correlates alerts together into event chains across endpoints for holistic modeling of suspicious behavior.
  • Performs historical data search as well as Instant Query to endpoints.
  • Accomplishes up-to-date Threat Intelligence-based automated detection and response.


  • Automated Real-Time Response to stop attackers in their tracks by performing immediate endpoint isolation, process kill actions, etc., to contain an attack.
  • Orchestrated response for multi-stage remediation for complex attacks.
  • Offline response to protect the environment even if the endpoint is disconnected.
  • Investigation workbench for doing systematic deep-dive into devices, event chains, and endpoints during an Incident investigation.
  • Additional Manual, Centralized Response for follow-up responses after investigation for comprehensive remediation.

System Requirement

Machine requirements: 2 Nodes for EDR + 1 Node for Update Manager

Data Retention: 30 days

High Availability : No

EDR Node 1 (Master)   Node 2 (Worker)
Operating System Ubuntu 22.04 LTS   Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Endpoints CPU Memory Disk   CPU Memory Disk
<= 20 4 Core 8 GB 200 GB   12 Core 42 GB 500 GB
<1000 4 Core 8 GB 500 GB   40 Core 96 GB 3.7 TB
1000 - 2000 4 Core 8 GB 500 GB   40 Core 96 GB 7 TB
2000- 4000 4 Core 8 GB 500 GB   48 Core 96 GB 12 TB
4000-5000 4 Core 8 GB 500 GB   48 Core 112 GB 15 TB
5000-10000 8 Core 16 GB 500 GB   64 Core 128 GB 30 TB
  • CPU: 2 Core
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Disk: 50 GB
  • Supported Platforms: Linux Mint 19.2, 20 64-bit, Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit, 22, RHEL 9.1, openSUSE 15.2 64 bit, 42.3 64 bit, Rocky Linux, Boss 6 32bit, 8 64bit

  • Windows (64 bit): Microsoft Windows 8.1, 10, 11, Windows Server 2012 Datacenter, Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022
  • Linux (64 bit): Fedora 32, Linux Mint 20, Ubuntu 17.04, 20.04, 22.10, CentOS 8, 8.2, RHEL 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, openSUSE 15.1, Rocky Linux, Boss 8
  • Mac OS:

    Processor: Intel core or Appleā€™s M1, M2, M3 chip compatible

    macOS 10.14, 10.15, 12 and 14

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