Product FAQ

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Unified Threat Management

Seqrite UTM comes up with a new feature and enhancements with every release. It also covers security related vulnerabilities, known issues and issues raised by customers via support team. In every release we work on enhancing performance of Seqrite UTM, so that you get the best experience of the device in your network.

In the Dashboard section, please visit device information. In “Device Information” section, you can get the firmware version in the product version section.

In the Dashboard section, please visit device information. In “Device Information” section, you can get the firmware version in the product version section.

UTM Product Matrix

T2S and T2M series are now available along with our existing T-series models.

Old ModelsCurrent Models
T-15 T2S-10
T-25 and T-35 T2S-30
T-50 and T-75 T2S-60
T-100 and T-150 T2M-100
T-200, T-250 and T-300 T2M-250

In the Dashboard section, please visit device information. In “Device Information” section, you can get the expiry date under expiry date section.

Please visit the Seqrite RMA policy available on the website. You can also access the link below

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Product Faq’s

Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions


Seqrite product installer helps you to easily download our product with the license key

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